The Innovation | 国家植物园:全球植物多样性保护的观察哨和排头兵




  图1 华南国家植物园(上)和英国皇家邱植物园(下)的温室保育了数千种珍稀濒危植物






  In the protection, restoration and utilization of global plant diversity, the National Botanical Garden can establish international, regional and national partnerships, formulate and support international protection policies, and strengthen global plant protection capabilities. For example, the global plant protection strategy (2022-2030) being promoted by the International Botanical Garden Conservation Union: cataloguing, evaluating and sharing information on global plant diversity to protect rare and endangered plants; Formulate unified standards for plant diversity protection; Collect and ex-situ protect the genetic diversity of as many species and important species as possible in botanical gardens; Formulate and implement plans for the return of rare species and the restoration of ecosystems.

  In response to climate change, the National Botanical Garden can protect species sensitive to climate change by ex situ; Assess and promote the benefits of biodiversity to sustainable development, natural disaster prevention and adaptation to climate change; Share information on the impact of climate change on plants; Provide ten golden rules for planting native plants to guide the improvement of carbon sequestration, biodiversity and economic benefits of artificial afforestation.

  In supporting sustainable development, the National Botanical Garden can study and utilize plants valuable for human welfare; Carry out natural education and scientific literacy popularization in botanical gardens and communities to raise public awareness of the value of plant diversity and take action.

  National Botanical Gardens need a global framework for plant protection policies, programs and priority areas. National Botanical Gardens can also develop global partners and play an alliance role in plant diversity protection, and can also provide advice on national biodiversity action plans and specific laws. The ex-situ conservation system led by the National Botanical Garden should find an appropriate "niche" in the global biodiversity protection, and this niche can play a "1+1>2" role in the plant diversity protection by developing global partnerships and alliances.

  National Botanical Garden needs innovation to play its protective role. The International Union for Botanical Garden Protection has put forward the International Agenda for Botanical Garden Protection, which advocates that global botanical gardens should encourage people to jointly meet global challenges in terms of protecting plants, sharing knowledge and resources, and public participation and education. In the planning of 2021-2030, the Royal Qiu Botanical Garden in the United Kingdom proposed that Qiu Garden would provide scientific knowledge and solutions to protect biodiversity and make sustainable use of natural resources, inspire people to protect the natural world, train the next generation of experts, expand the influence of the organization, and influence international public opinion and national policies. South China National Botanical Garden proposes research, protection and sustainable utilization of plant resources to support green development (Figure 1). Facing the demand of biodiversity conservation, the national botanical gardens in the world are now using artificial intelligence and big data analysis, tools of conservation genetics, gene editing and ecological restoration to protect, utilize and popularize plants.




  杨? ?阳? ? ?郑州大学

  公丕昌? ? ?中国科学院植物研究所

  本文内容来自Cell Press合作期刊The Innovation第四卷第五期以Editorial发表的“National botanical gardens at the forefront of global plant diversity conservation” (投稿: 2023-04-26;接收: 2023-07-05;在线刊出: 2023-07-06)。


  引用格式:Ren H., and Antonelli A. (2023). National botanical gardens at the forefront of global plant diversity conservation. The Innovation. 4(5),100478.


  任 海,中国科学院华南植物园主任、华南国家植物园研究员。长期从事植被生态恢复和珍稀濒危植物保护研究工作。发现了南亚热带典型人工林下乡土树种定居限制机理及利用护理植物的解除对策,利用生物技术和生态恢复技术集成方法实现了报春苣苔等36种珍稀濒危植物野外种群的生态恢复。发表论文300余篇,其中SCI收录论文150余篇。


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