Delete the person who teases you like this before it's too late.

  A while ago, a friend asked me:

  "We have been talking for two months, and he always calls me back in seconds. What does this mean?"

  I replied: "It means he is playing with his mobile phone."

  She couldn't hide her disappointment and said, "Doesn't this mean that he likes me ..."

  I can quite understand her mood. All the actions of the other party are ambiguous, but they are silent.

  In fact, in a relationship, if you go to great lengths to prove that he likes you, it's probably just that you don't like it that much.

  Seconds back, brown sugar water, ambiguity in the air and morning and evening security in WeChat, are they "teasing" or "liking"?

  I hope that after reading the following, the person you think of didn't let you down.

  When I was chatting with you

  Tease you


  Like you


  Those who tease you are witty and full of nonsense.

  People who like you are cautious and nervous.

  When you can't sleep

  Tease you


  Like you


  People who flirt with you just want to sleep with you.

  People who like you want to put you to sleep.

  When you are unhappy

  Tease you


  Like you


  People who flirt with you don't care about your emotions.

  People who like you just want to make you happy.

  When you are sick

  Tease you


  Like you


  Those who flirt with you are all talk and no action.

  People who like you do it first.

  When you share it with him

  Tease you


  Like you


  Those who flirt with you are perfunctory.

  People who like you do their homework.

  When you are angry

  Tease you


  Like you


  You don't like the person who teases you, so I'll change someone else.

  You don't like people who like you. I'll think about it again.


  I saw a question in Zhihu: What is the difference between flirting and liking?

  There is a highly praised answer:

  Hey, I finished talking to you the night before, and I can't remember what I told you after one night.

  Yes, I did. You said you liked oolong milk tea, but I remembered it for many years.

  The person who teases you will be cold and hot to you, and casually treat your feelings and emotions expressed by your words as a passing sight. He enjoys the pleasure and excitement and only lets you sink.

  There are only ambiguous bubbles brewing between you, but none of them are true.

  People who like you will take you seriously, care about your ideas, compromise for you and pay for you.

  There is a saying that sums it up very well: Liao is hunting, while like is waiting for adoption.

  Teasing a person, he can deliberate, set tight encirclement, find the most appropriate time, stand in front of you and tell you that I am really lucky to meet you.