"You have been a housewife for six years, and once you leave me, you will starve to death." We'll see.

  In modern society, there are not a few women who become full-time wives. Children need their mother's company, family affairs need someone to deal with, and parents need someone to take care of them, all of which are the reasons why women have to become full-time wives.

  In some people's eyes, being a housewife is an excuse for not going to work to make money. They think that it is easier to do housework and take care of children than to earn money to support their families. Therefore, many people openly deny the value of a full-time wife and degrade such women to nothing.

  However, is it really easy to be a full-time wife? In fact, housewives also have their own difficulties.

  Beauvoir, a writer, once said of a stay-at-home wife in The Second Sex:

  "There is hardly any hard work, which can be compared with the torture caused by the repeated housework forever-the clean things get dirty and the dirty things are cleaned. Day after day, cycle after cycle. "

  The repetitive and boring housework is only the first torture for housewives, and the most unacceptable thing for them is the denial of the value of their labor by society and husbands.

  The movie "Finding You" starring Yao Chen and Ma Yili tells the embarrassing situation of a stay-at-home wife in a paragraph:

  "This era has high requirements for women. If you choose to be a working woman, some people will say that you are a bad mother; If you choose to be a full-time mother, some people think that this is not a career. "

  The biggest pain for housewives is that men can't see their own efforts, degrade themselves to nothing and dislike themselves.

  After my college roommate Yang Rongrong graduated, she became a full-time wife for her family. In a chat, she told me what impact being a full-time wife had on her life.

  01. My in-laws don't help with the baby, but my husband repeatedly promised that I would be a housewife. ?

  Before Yang Rongrong got married, she worked in a new media company, and her salary consisted of basic salary plus commission. Because she is good at writing and managing accounts, her performance is good, and she gets a commission. Her monthly salary hovers around six or seven thousand yuan, and her husband's income is about twice that of Yang Rongrong.

  In the third year of marriage, Yang Rongrong gave birth to a son. Originally, she wanted to ask her in-laws to take care of the children, but they refused.

  In-laws have no obligation to take care of their children, which Yang Rongrong knows very well, and since she has a younger brother, it is even more impossible for her mother to help her. In desperation, her husband suggested that Yang Rongrong be a full-time wife.

  "I have a monthly salary of 15 thousand, and there is still a lot of room for improvement, enough to support my family. The child is still young and needs to be taken care of. The money you earn is only enough to hire a nanny, so you might as well take it! "

  The husband promised to pay the board fee at the beginning of each month, give Yang Rongrong pocket money, and talk about things with his son. Finally, Yang Rongrong promised to be a full-time wife.

  02. Becoming a yellow-faced woman for my family, but he disliked me; ?

  "Being a housewife is enjoying life? Whoever says this in front of me, I want to slap someone. "

  What is it like to be a housewife? Yang Rongrong has a deep understanding.

  "Get up before six o'clock in the morning and prepare breakfast. I rummaged through the recipes, racked my brains, and made staple food and complementary food for my son in different ways. After feeding the children, the food was already cold. I quickly took a few mouthfuls and began to wash and brush. In the meantime, if the children cried, I had to hurry to coax them. After the children went to school, I became busier. Pick up and drop off from school, stare at the parents to prevent missing the teacher's notice, and cope with the strange homework assigned by the teacher. "

  Others can't wait to split a penny in half. For Yang Rongrong, what she wants is more time. Day after day, year after year, she revolves around her family, her husband and children, and she has no time to dress herself, maintain her skin, do her hair and choose clothes. She has not done these things for a long time.

  I wanted to buy a coat, but my husband said, "You don't go out again, who are you going to wear it for?" After seeing cosmetics, her husband taunted her by saying, "No matter how good your skin is, cosmetics can't hold up". I want to have my hair done, but my husband settled the account with her, which made her unable to refute.

  "My husband has rejected me more than once, saying that I am a yellow-faced woman. Every time there is a league building activity in the company, he refuses to take me; When I got home at night, he refused to touch me, and even in front of outsiders, he was not willing to introduce me. "

  I will starve to death without him? I don't believe it; ?

  Yang Rongrong's marriage lasted for 8 years. In the end, her husband moved on, chatted vaguely with others, and his attitude was still justified, which made Yang Rongrong unbearable and chose a divorce.

  During the divorce, the husband did three cruel things.

  "He only gave me 60,000 yuan for labor compensation on the grounds that I had never made any money and the house was bought before marriage; He said that I didn't have a job and couldn't afford to raise children, forcing me to give up custody. Finally, he insulted me. "

  "You have been a housewife for six years, and once you leave me, you will starve to death." The husband's words are like a sharp knife, living hard in Yang Rongrong's heart, making her feel miserable. In the end, she left a sentence "We'll see", reluctantly gave up the custody of her son, and left the home where she had lived for eight years and exhausted her sweat.

  "If I will starve to death, it only means that I have come to the world for nothing. For myself and for my son, I will definitely live and live well. "

  04. I didn't starve to death, and I didn't want to remarry; ?

  After the divorce, Yang Rongrong looked for jobs everywhere. Finally, she entered a restaurant and started her working career.

  "It's really comfortable to have a working day. Get up at 8: 30 in the morning, start washing vegetables, scrubbing the table, serving food, and when you hear the guests shouting, go over and ask what you need. Busy until one o'clock in the afternoon, the boss provided food and shelter and gave him an hour's lunch break. I live only 10 minutes away from the hotel. At most, I can go to bed at ten o'clock. When I am a housewife, I can't rest until the early hours of the morning from six o'clock. "

  Yang Rongrong's salary is about 4,000 yuan a month. Because she works hard, seldom complains, and has a good temper, she has been well received by the guests. Therefore, she has been praised by her boss and got a raise.

  Yang Rongrong divided the money into two parts, one part spent by herself and the other part saved. Although her ex-husband didn't want her to pay alimony, she wanted to do her best for her son: "When my son gets married, I can help a little."

  As for how her ex-husband is doing now, Yang Rongrong only knows that he is dating everywhere and is not married. When she visited her son, her ex-husband and her ex-husband parents tested her more than once and asked her if she wanted to remarry.

  "I don't want to remarry, and I haven't thought about whether to remarry. I just want to live by my own efforts."

  05. Don't take yourself too seriously in marriage. ?

  After listening to Yang Rongrong's story, I thought of a sentence in the book "I am divorced":

  "We really don't want to see young men' make' too much and don't take people around them seriously. When people are in rivers and lakes, it is inevitable that they will suffer involuntarily, but if they are not determined enough, they will easily be beyond redemption. "

  Whether men or women, in marriage, don't take yourself too seriously, and don't take people around you seriously. If you overestimate yourself and underestimate others, you will be punished by marriage.

  Today's topic: What do you think of housewives? Welcome to share your opinions in the comments section.