Why do you say, "Happiness is not a good thing, and misfortune is not a bad thing"? The reason is obvious.

  As the old saying goes, blessed people don't have to be busy, and those without happiness run heartbroken. That is to say, a blessed person can enjoy the benefits of food, clothing, housing and transportation and enjoy the fun and beauty of life without being too busy; However, if a person is short of blessings, he will inevitably be tired of running around in life and be tired of his daily livelihood.

  In our culture, we also pay special attention to "seeking happiness". On holidays, every household will paste the word "Fu" at home to pray for good luck and good fortune. More than one ancient expert said, "Happiness is not necessarily a good thing, and misfortune is not necessarily a bad thing." Why on earth is this?

  What is happiness?

  What is "Fu"? Happiness is the opposite of misfortune. Generally speaking, disasters refer to disasters and disasters. The ancients said that people are blessed without disaster. In the disastrous old society, people often faced wars, famines, floods and other disasters. Only by such a comparison, we are now in a very blessed state.

  But people don't think so, but "the heart is not tired, but wants more." Always want to pursue better and more happiness. This includes seeking fame and profit, seeking officials and power, and constantly occupying and demanding, which is endless.

  As the old saying goes, "People's hearts are short of hardships, and once they are long, they will look back at Shu." Nothing in the world is more bitter than greed, and nothing is more than not being satisfied. I already have some blessings, but I still want to get more. When you don't get it, you wait in pain and anxiety, and when you get it, you are worried about losing it. In this way, whether you get it or not, what you feel physically and mentally is bitter!

  Where does the blessing come from?

  The ancients said, a drink and a peck, not before. Everything we enjoy now, even a mouthful of rice and water, is derived from the past. If there is no reason to do good deeds and cultivate blessings in the past, we cannot enjoy the blessings today.

  If we can understand that the enjoyment of this life is all achieved by doing good deeds and cultivating blessings, we can stop the dissipation of blessings by reducing the creation of many bad deeds; You can grow your own virtue of happiness and wisdom by continuously cultivating wisdom and blessing Xiu De in this world.

  Although blessings can be sought and repaired, blessings are not necessarily good things, and disasters are not necessarily bad things. We've all heard the saying, "misfortune is where the good fortune lies, and the good fortune is where the bad fortune lies." Misfortune and blessing are complementary, and there is no absolute constant.

  Happiness is not a good thing, and misfortune is not a bad thing.

  "Everything is done" mentioned:

  "Blessed people are rich. Wealth leads to food and clothing beauty, food and clothing beauty leads to arrogance, and arrogance leads to evil and abandon reason. If you do evil, you will die, and if you abandon reason, you will not succeed. It is a great disaster for those who have the difficulty of dying in their husbands and have no name of success outside. And the curse comes from the blessing. Therefore, it is said:' Blessed is the place where disasters lie'. " "When people are in trouble, they are afraid of fear, and when they are afraid of fear, they will be straight, and when they are straight, they will be thoughtful, and they will be sensible; If you walk straight, there will be no harm, and if you have no harm, you can live all your life; Be reasonable and you will succeed. If you do your best, you will live a long life. If you succeed, you will be rich and expensive. The whole life is a blessing, and the blessing is a disaster, so it is said:' The disaster is the place where the blessing depends'. "